Side-by-side Activities?

Good day, all :slight_smile:

I am looking to create some side-by-side activities on an ActivePresenter slide, such as a reading on one side and questions on another (as in the sketch below). I couldn’t see any obvious way to add a box of scrolling text, for example, so I’m wondering if there is a way to do this. Any suggestions would be welcome…TIA!


You could try the suggestion from this thread and see if it meets your needs.

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Thanks so much @gregs - it worked like a charm and was exactly what I needed for putting a scrollable text box. Thanks!

I was a bit disheartened when I saw how great this was because it then made me think immediately of how I can possible add more than one question to a slide, but I see this article from Atomi and I hope it might be the answer I’m looking for. I wonder if you’ve tried anything like it?

Thanks again :smiley:!


PS: Although it would be great if the side with the questions could scroll as well, but I don’t see a way of making that happen, unless I sort of create manual questions.

Hi @samamara,

You can set Container Layout for the slide and change the Overflow to Auto so that you can scroll the slide.


Regarding the text scrolling, you can use the suggested scripts or put the text in the container if you want. But there is no need to set the shape background otherwise, it will only fill in the shape.


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Thank you so much @PhuongThuy_Le - I appreciate that!

Will this help me put several questions in a section on the right-hand side as well?


Please take a look at this sample. Hope that it helps you.
scroll_2810.approj (628 KB)


Hi again @PhuongThuy_Le - that does help a lot, thanks! I was just trying the same thing before you sent your sample, but I was experiencing the same issue as I see in your sample: the several questions are on the right, which is exactly what I need, but I can’t seem to add the actual question prompt. For example, the first question in your example has a true/false response option, but where can I put the question itself? I try to shift things down so I can put in the statement (“The box on the left is green.” for example), but I can’t seem to move things. Is it something to do with this being a flex box or something…?

Thanks again!

Hello again @PhuongThuy_Le and anyone else who may be reading :smiley:

So I’m trying to figure this out because I think that, with these suggestions, I’m really closing in on getting exactly what I need (thanks!), but I’m confused about adding questions to the flex boxes.

When I click on the green button I get the option to add a question, which is very useful:

But when I click the question (T/F for example) the true and false radio buttons are inserted into the flex box:

and I don’t know where to put the prompt (e.g., The sun is yellow.). I tried to add text but it doesn’t seem to work, or another flex box but I can’t seem to figure it and even if I could, is that the right solution, to have one big flex box with so many smaller boxes inside (prompt, options, prompt, options, and so on)?

Sorry for the convoluted question; I hope it’s clear!


Before adding a question, you may need to add a text caption to enter the question title, Samamara.



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Hi @samamara,

Kindly check this attached sample:
scroll_text-fixed.approj (880 KB)

In the questions part, I’ve added the question titles and the submit button. You now can submit all the questions at the same time. The correct/incorrect checkmark will appear to let you know which answer is wrong and vice versa. These settings are mentioned in the Create multiple questions per one slide article that you have seen.


Hi again @PhuongThuy_Le - that really helps a lot! So individual flex boxes should be added for text captions and then the questions can be inserted under. That’s very helpful indeed and will help me achieve what I am looking for.

Thanks again for all of your help :smiley:!


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Glad to know that it works for you :blush:
Have a great time!


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Ofcourse you can try this !!