Help with drop areas

I am trying to make an interactive quiz where students have to drag the correct number of atoms onto an element from the periodic table. Each atom has a specific drop area and each drop area will only accept one specific atom. eg. Drop area 1 will only accept atom 1, drop area 2 will only accept atom 2, etc.
For the student to get the answer correct they must have the correct number of atoms in the drop areas. For example - Helium has 2 atoms and they must be in the first two drop areas.
When the student clicks a button, it runs a series of checks to make sure that each drop area has “drop correct”. How do I make it so that when they click that button, the report page only records that they got the answer correct, not that each drop area was correct? Here is an example of some of the project.
.electron_example.approj (3.0 MB)


Could you please refer to this thread to see if it helps.


Thanks Tuyenluu for your reply.
This does help a little but I want to put a report id on the “check” button and have the report say whether they got it all correct, not whether they dropped the atoms in the right drop-area.


It would be very helpful if you can share a screenshot describing what you want so that we can understand it better.


I did upload the project. Here is a picture explaining what I meant

So basically, when the button is clicked, there is a check done and if they are correct a score of 1 is added to the report.


It’s a better way in this case is to use Drag-n-Drop questions.
However, you can temporarily fix this project by keeping the score of Drop Area_1 and unchecking report IDs of other interactions.


Thanks. Your work around will work when there is only 1 atom but what about when they have to put 20 atoms correctly on the page?


For your reference, using Drag-n-Drop questions is the best way in this case.
Please take a look at our sample project for more details.
electron_exmaple_fixed.approj (432 KB)


That looks great. I wish I had asked 18 slides ago. Looks like I have lots of work to do to fix the next 18 atoms.:slight_smile: :grinning: