Email button to email PDF of SLIDE

The current email button opens an email to the selected email address and this is great, how ever its functionality is limited. Can we have an action to export current slide as PDF and email. This would allow for off site students to email results to the required email address.


Sending email requires an email server (SMTP server) and that’s not possible with client-side Javascript (if you know programming).
Saving a slide as PDF is another problem that’s can hardly done with client-side Javascript which HTML5 output relies on to operate. The reason is it requires a large Javascript library (~300KB) to do that which we hesitate to bundle with the HTML5 player.


Thanks Dan, What about an option to save particular slide in different formats, i.e If I have Adobe PDF then saving as PDF would be an option. That way it depends on the software the user has??

Just a though, I don’t know programming at all, so this may not be possible.

Hi Chris,

That is possible in some cases but requires a lot of works. I think the solution to save as an image in this thread Email copy of slide is quite good enough.


Hi Dao,

There is a library called jsPDF which I have tried and it can print a PDF from the project. What I am trying is to pass the body of the html using fromHTML to the library. There is another option to print a div by giving the id of the div. When I run inspect I see that ap-prez-container has the div with id that can be passed to the jQuery function. But the id is randomly generated. Is there a way to get this id value or refer to it in the JavaScript?



Hi Ali,

You can use prez.containerId to get the container id.
