ActivePresenter forgets to keep recording screen

Hello, started recording in the morning and while the recording tool bar showed it has been recording for 7+ hours, the video file I see is only 15 minutes.

Active Presenter has introduced a bug !!!

See, while the audio is 6+ hours, video is only 15 mins. HOW???

All my efforts are wasted and this was super important for me.

This is such a shame !!!

AP Version: 9.1.0
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 16 GB Ram.


Could you please share the log of ActivePresenter to so that we can further check it? You can access the log by following these steps: Click on the ActivePresenter button, go to Preferences, select Miscellaneous, and then choose View Log.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

email sent with logs. Again today it happened. It randomly stopped recording it seems. Or it doesn’t resume video recording after a pause - not sure which case it is - but it forgets to record video/screen and keeps recording audio.

Version 9.1.0 (64-bit: 2023.06.02 version) is buggy.

Look at the length column.

Thank you for sending the log file.

Please refer to this thread for details regarding the problem you are encountering while recording your screen:


Thanks for reverting back. This was working perfectly without any such forgetfulness on earlier versions. Why 9.1.0 has issues with it?

Also, there is no screen locking - either manually or automatically after a set time interval on my PC.

Please look into this. This definitely is a bug in 9.1.0

Also, the CPU consumption is quite high and it is sustained high for the duration of recording. If hardware if doing the recording part then why is software utilization so high?

When recording in higher resolution, AP seem to work harder and consume more CPU. Is there a fix to this?


You can try the following settings to see if it can help enhance the current situation:

Select another encoder if your computer uses discrete graphics card. (ActivePresenter > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Video Encoder):

Note that the Video Codec must be H264 or H265 (HEVC). Click Settings/the Gear icon at the top right corner of the Recording dialog to open this:


Thanks. I don’t see H265 for 9.1.0. Also there is only a Video Encoder: “Windows Media Foundations” on my system. Not helping. How can I use H265 instead of H264?

Hi Rakesh,

These options are only available if your computer has a supported discrete graphics card (AMD or NVIDIA GPU, for example). Please note that ActivePresenter will try to detect the capability using functions provided by operating system so not every GPU is supported.


After almost 3 hours of recording, AP throws this nasty error:


I’ve no idea what to say now. Sharing logs over email. Please have a look.

Thank you for sending over the files via email.

We’ve taken a look at them, but we haven’t been able to find the exact cause of the issue just yet. It seems like we might need a bit more time to thoroughly investigate this matter.

In the meantime, we wanted to kindly inform you that ActivePresenter is primarily designed for creating eLearning content with durations of around one hour. While we strive to provide the best experience possible, it’s important to note that recording very long sessions hasn’t been extensively tested. As a result, we don’t recommend using ActivePresenter for such lengthy recordings.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Have a great day!

Hello, I’ve again faced this today.
Total time of recording was less than 1 hour when I noticed this happen.

Although audio was being recorded, video stopped recording in this particular instance.

Please let me know what logs/files should I share for investigating this.

Hi again Rakesh,

Kindly share with us the project and log file of ActivePresenter so we can further investigate this problem. You can send these files to

Best regards,

This again happened today.

ActivePresenter just kept dropping video frames since so long!!!

What is wrong with it???

Where can I get the logs and what all files or information to share to help investigate?


2023-12-13 09:00:08: ActivePresenter 9.1.3 - 64-bit build. (Release Build: 2023.10.31) started
OS: Windows 10 (build 19043), 64-bit edition
CPU Count: 12
Hostname: DESKTOP-4O9G513. Memory: 16,099 MB. Available: 6,614 MB. Memory Load: 58%
Disk Space: 241,295 MB (Free: 14,854 MB)
Project Location: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter
2023-12-13 09:00:08: Settings: Hardware decoding: YES, Hardware rendering: YES, Direct3D recording: YES
2023-12-13 09:00:08: TempDir: C:\Users\raksm\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp
2023-12-13 09:00:08: -----------------LISTING GRAPHICS DEVICES---------------------
2023-12-13 09:00:08: DXGIAdapter: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (0-63762)
2023-12-13 09:00:08: * \.\DISPLAY1 [0, 0, 1920, 1080], 1
2023-12-13 09:00:08: * \.\DISPLAY2 [1920, 0, 3840, 1080], 1
2023-12-13 09:00:08: DXGIAdapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (0-65280)
2023-12-13 09:00:08: Selected DXGIAdapter: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (0-63762).
2023-12-13 09:00:08: --------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-13 09:00:08: ---------------------LISTING AUDIO DEVICES------------------------
2023-12-13 09:00:08: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio) (API: Windows WASAPI, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: true, Default Output: true, ID: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e})
2023-12-13 09:00:08: Headset Earphone (Sennheiser SC60 for Lync) (API: Windows WASAPI, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: true, Default Output: false, ID: {}.{2d4d7835-610e-461f-8b56-ab2f00e1d47a})
2023-12-13 09:00:08: Speakers (XSplit Stream Audio Renderer) (API: Windows WASAPI, Input: 2, Output: 2, Rate: 48000, Loopback: true, Default Output: false, ID: {}.{80dc221a-d68c-465d-894b-4cb54646e4a9})
2023-12-13 09:00:08: XSplit Audio (Broadcaster) (API: Windows WASAPI, Input: 2, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: {}.{1d980176-2f6e-45e4-93bd-118bea0762e7})
2023-12-13 09:00:08: Headset Microphone (Sennheiser SC60 for Lync) (API: Windows WASAPI, Input: 2, Output: 0, Rate: 48000, Loopback: false, Default Output: false, ID: {}.{6dc679c6-2bb6-4e90-9058-e9d235e52d56})
2023-12-13 09:00:08: --------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-13 09:00:09: ---------------------LISTING WEBCAMS------------------------
2023-12-13 09:00:09: --------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-13 09:00:11: PrepareRibbonBar: 902ms
2023-12-13 09:00:12: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp\rl_20231213_090012_1j9v8xhgvt.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 09:00:12: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 09:00:12: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 09:00:12: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 09:00:34: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1920, 987)
2023-12-13 09:00:34: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:2, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\video_20231213_09-00-34.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 1920, height: 987, color_range: 8, rate: 30.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 09:00:34: Encoder: - h264_mf
2023-12-13 09:00:34: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\audio_2_20231213_09-00-34.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 09:00:34: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 09:00:34: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 09:00:34: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 09:23:43: DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:43: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: Creating reference IDXGIOutputDuplication failed -2147024891
2023-12-13 09:23:44: DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST
2023-12-13 09:23:44: HWConvert: CreateVideoProcessorInputView failed -2147024809
2023-12-13 09:23:44: HWTransferAndHWConvert: Calling HWConvert failed
2023-12-13 09:23:44: RLMedia: Could not create the staging texture (887a0005)
2023-12-13 09:23:44: RLMedia: d3d11 is not supported as input pixel format
2023-12-13 11:56:11: MKScreenCaptureD2DImpl:StopCapture Frame: 18089, Drop: 76073, Encoded FPS 13.042747, Captured FPS 13.043468, Time: 1386.824403s
2023-12-13 11:56:11: Recorded video data size: 276.7 MB
2023-12-13 11:56:11: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 10533684
2023-12-13 11:56:36: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp\rl_20231213_115636_twpmtgakpq.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 11:56:36: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 11:56:36: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 11:56:36: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 11:56:48: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1920, 987)
2023-12-13 11:56:48: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:2, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\video_20231213_11-56-48.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 1920, height: 987, color_range: 8, rate: 30.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 11:56:48: Encoder: - h264_mf
2023-12-13 11:56:48: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\audio_2_20231213_11-56-48.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 11:56:48: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 11:56:48: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 11:56:48: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 16:01:07: MKScreenCaptureD2DImpl:StopCapture Frame: 160964, Drop: 0, Encoded FPS 10.982745, Captured FPS 10.982813, Time: 14655.989705s
2023-12-13 16:01:07: Recorded video data size: 2.0 GB
2023-12-13 16:01:07: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 14656522
2023-12-13 16:01:42: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp\rl_20231213_160142_nx49tmxx6t.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:01:42: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 16:01:42: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 16:01:42: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 16:31:51: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp\rl_20231213_163151_1m1opixhbl.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:31:51: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 16:31:51: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 16:31:51: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 16:36:04: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1920, 987)
2023-12-13 16:36:04: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:2, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\video_20231213_16-36-04.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 1920, height: 987, color_range: 8, rate: 30.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:36:04: Encoder: - h264_mf
2023-12-13 16:36:04: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\audio_2_20231213_16-36-04.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:36:04: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 16:36:04: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 16:36:04: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 16:59:06: MKScreenCaptureD2DImpl:StopCapture Frame: 9694, Drop: 0, Encoded FPS 7.032480, Captured FPS 7.033206, Time: 1378.318818s
2023-12-13 16:59:06: Recorded video data size: 117.1 MB
2023-12-13 16:59:06: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 1378890
2023-12-13 16:59:05: Audio default device changed: {}.{2d4d7835-610e-461f-8b56-ab2f00e1d47a}.
2023-12-13 16:59:06: Audio default device changed: {}.{2d4d7835-610e-461f-8b56-ab2f00e1d47a}.
2023-12-13 16:59:08: Audio default device changed: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}.
2023-12-13 16:59:08: Audio default device changed: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}.
2023-12-13 16:59:36: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\temp\rl_20231213_165936_kjqkovrjz4.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:59:36: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 16:59:36: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 16:59:36: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 16:59:41: Start capturing. Mode: Full motion. Capture Size: (1920, 987)
2023-12-13 16:59:41: MKScreenRecorder::Open: Engine:2, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\video_20231213_16-59-41.mp4, Params: codec: 10001, format: NV12, width: 1920, height: 987, color_range: 8, rate: 30.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:59:41: Encoder: - h264_mf
2023-12-13 16:59:41: MKAudioRecorder::Open: Device: {}.{24c74123-3b82-4058-ad6f-091ccaf17c9e}, File: C:\Users\raksm\Documents\ActivePresenter.ActivePresenterCachedProjects\Untitled_tempdir\audio_2_20231213_16-59-41.m4a, Params: codec: 4, format: Sample Format 5, channel: 2, frame_size: 0, rate: 48000.000000, bit_rate: 0, quality: 90
2023-12-13 16:59:41: Probing to record audio from: Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio). Channel: 2. Sample rate: 48000. Pa Sample Format: 1
2023-12-13 16:59:41: Open audio device successes!
2023-12-13 16:59:41: flt sample format is not supported, fltp will be used
2023-12-13 18:05:08: MKScreenCaptureD2DImpl:StopCapture Frame: 28887, Drop: 0, Encoded FPS 7.362343, Captured FPS 7.362598, Time: 3923.479441s
2023-12-13 18:05:08: Recorded video data size: 354.3 MB
2023-12-13 18:05:08: ProcessRecordedAudio: duration (ms) 3924063
2023-12-13 18:05:25: ActivePresenter 9.1.3 (Release Build: 2023.10.31) shut down


Based on the log file, it appears that you have recorded the screen twice. Did the issue occur between 9-11 am? If so, there are two potential causes:

  1. The screen may have been turned off, or the computer may have entered sleep mode.
  2. The problem could be related to the graphics driver. Please try unchecking the Use Direct3D for recording screen option to see it resolves the issue.


Hello Hang,

I recorded video for close to 23 minutes before it gave up. I noticed after some 2 hours when it was dropping all the video frames it is supposed to capture.

#1, AP doesn’t let computer enter sleep or to shut off screen. So these did not happen.
#2, If the issue is related to graphic driver, how come it captured ~23mins of video data before giving up all of a sudden?

We’ve a missing link which we are not focusing on. I’ve been reporting this issue since 7.x version of AP.

This randomly leaving captures while recording is in progress is deceiving.
And AP doesn’t even notify of this. That’s sad.
Really unreliable product.


Hi Rakesh,

We have made the assumption (#2) based on the log data, which shows an error labeled ‘DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST’ originating from the Windows Graphics API.

In the diversity of computer hardware and configurations, an application might function perfectly on hundreds of machines, yet encounter issues on a particular system. This is especially common with features that utilize hardware acceleration. Consequently, like many other applications, we offer the option to disable hardware acceleration, as suggested above.

Best regards,