What determines the order of objects in a grid layout?

I’m experimenting with putting objects in a grid layout and am sometimes surprised how they are reordered after I group them together and (1) select “Grid” or (2) change the number of columns. What determines the order of the items in the grid? Can I reorder items if I don’t like the default order?

This video shows what I am trying to do. An additional problem is that Text Entry boxes seem to collapse.

I am using ActivePresenter Free Edition 8.0.7 on both Windows 10 and OS X. The video was taken on OS X.

Thank you.


Hi Ellen,

Please change the size of the Grid box larger to fully display the the Text Entry. If you want to change the order of an item in a flex/grid box, you should drag it to the desired position.
For example, drag the “0” item over the “1” item => the “0” item will take the position of “1” item.

Or you can change the position in the Selection Pane. (go to View > Selection).
