Weakness of the "Line and Curve" tool

The brand new tool “Line and Curve” has a weak point,
That is, it cannot remove current anchor and go back to previous anchor.

This will be a trouble when user regret to create current anchor,
please consider to provide [Ctrl + Z] or some control method
to remove current anchor and go back to previous anchor.


Hi Afei,

We’ll consider updating this feature in the next releases.

Best regards,

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Please refer to the “Bezier tool” of well-known drawing tool Inkscape, and you will know what I say.

Best regards,


Thanks for reporting the bug.
At this time, you can use Edit Path for any available element, then draw a new freeform by selecting Line and Curve.
This way, your new element is in Edit Path mode already, and you can easily add/remove anchor points or edit it the way you want.

Have a nice day,