Videos are jumpy

My source videos were smooth as silk. After using Active Presenter to capture a slide show of videos and stills, the videos are now all jumpy. How can this be prevented?


Was your video jumpy when you were previewing it or after you had exported it?

Best regards,

Both. More info: I generated a video using Play Memories Home (a Sony product) on one monitor of a Win 10 machine and used Active Presenter to record it. The video was perfectly smooth on the monitor, but what AP recorded was jumpy when previewed. Thank you.

Could you please try using H264 codec in Recording Settings, and selecting Use Direct3D option as shown in the below image:

Please refer to this thread for solving the same problem.
Best regards,

Thank you for the recommendation. I tried it, and the video is better, but is still jumpy. Any other suggestions?

Can you please send us the log of ActivePresenter to so we can check?
To view the log: In Start Page, click Preferences (the Gear icon) > Select Miscellaneous > Click View Log .

I just emailed the log. Thank you.

Hi Dennis,

It seems like we haven’t received your email yet. Can you tell us from which email address you sent the log?
