Update 32 bits version

I see a lot of update for 64 bits version. When an update for 32 bits ?
Thank’s for your answer.


Unfortunately, ActivePresenter is no longer supported on 32-bit operating systems since version 7.


So, I bought an obsolete software…

Why don’t you just upgrade your OS to 64-bit and use ActivePresenter 7?
You wouldn’t lost anything when upgrading your OS to 64bit because you can still use both 32-bit and 64-bit apps.
While with 32bit OS you can only use 32bit apps.


It is the fisrt time I read that when you have a 64 bits Windows version, you can use indifferently 32 bits and 64 bits version…
Are you sure ? Are my data files compatible ?

Windows 64bit can run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
32 or 64 bit OS version doesn’t have anything to do with your data files, they are still the same.

You can find more information about 64-bit Windows on the web.
The only requirement you should care is that if your CPU supports 64-bit architecture or not. Nowadays most CPUs already support 64-bit since many years.

Best Regards,

My cpu is compatible but I must make a new install of Windows and reinstall all the software…
Not a very pleasant perspective…
Thank you for your answer anyway

You’re welcome!
Just wanted to let you know that you have an option to upgrade.
We still maintain ActivePresenter 6 by releasing bug fixing updates from time to time but it won’t receive any further development on new features or enhancements.

P/S: Please be reminded that you have one year of free upgrades from the date of purchase, you’ll have to pay upgrade fees if you want to upgrade after that time frame.