Undesirable end screen in Youtube videos


Undesirable end screen in Youtube videos

I am creating for the first time an interactive resource based on a video hosted on Youtube.

I think that this can be a good system to take advantage of the large amount of excellent documentary and educational content that is on YouTube to make students think by inserting the appropriate questions and tests in the videos.

To achieve the above, I have discovered in the YouTube embedded video settings, the option “Play a specific part” an option that is priceless in this case.

Here is one example (just a draft). If necessary enter as guest. English traslation for labels here:


There is only one thing that, if it had a solution, would make this system almost perfect: avoid that at the end of each portion of the video an annoying collection of links to other YouTube videos appears, like the one seen in the following image.

Any idea to make it disappear will be welcome !! :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Remember that ActivePresenter is now closer to the Spanish-speaking community, visit this website and include it in your bookmarks:
The language barrier should no longer be an excuse for anyone to deprive themselves of this wonderful application.

ActivePresenter version: 8.1.1


Spanish language version of the message --------------------------------------

Indeseable pantalla final en los videos de Youtube

Estoy creando por primera vez un recurso interactivo basado en un video alojado en Youtube.

Pienso que este puede ser un buen sistema de aprovechar la gran cantidad de excelentes contenidos documentales y educativos que hay en Youtube para hacer pensar a los estudiantes intercalando en los videos las preguntas y pruebas oportunas.

Para lograr lo anterior, he descubierto en la configuración del video insertado de Youtube, la opción “Reproducir una parte específica” una opción que no tiene precio para este caso.

Aqui hay un ejemplo -un borrador-. Si fuera necesario entrar como invitado.

Solo hay una cosa que si tuviera solución haría este sistema casi perfecto: evitar que al final de cada porcion del video aparezca una molesta colección de enlaces a otros videos de Youtube como la que se ve en la imagan siguiente:

Cualquier idea para hacerla desaparecer será bienvenida !! :slight_smile:


Recuerda que ahora ActivePresenter esta más cerca de la comunidad hispanohablante, visita esta web e inclúyela en tus marcadores:
La barrera idiomática ya no ha de ser excusa para que nadie se prive de esta maravillosa aplicación.
En este apartado explica paso a paso como usar la traduccion automatica Ingles /español de Chrome, Edge y Youtube, para poder aprovechar la excelente documentacion de ActivePresenter:

Hi Julio,

Thank you for sharing your site about ActivePresenter in Spanish.

Regarding the related videos on a Youtube video, it seems that Youtube doesn’t allow hiding them, unfortunately.


It’s a shame, but the immense documentation available on YouTube justifies this minor inconvenience. Thank you !
Es una pena, pero la inmensa documentación disponible en YouTube justifica este pequeño inconveniente. Gracias !

Another question. I’m not sure if I need to study advanced actions tutorial now.

Would it be possible -with advanced actions- to achieve that when the youtube portion finished it would automatically go to the next slide?


Thank you

Hi Julio,

An advanced action is just a group of other actions that can be reused. It doesn’t help in this case.
You can add the following script to the slide On Load event to jump to the next slide when a Youtube video finishes:

var ytIframeId = $(prez.object('Your Youtube object name').node).find('iframe').attr('id');
var ytPlayer = YT.get(ytIframeId);
if (ytPlayer) {
    ytPlayer.addEventListener('onStateChange', function(evt) {
        if (evt.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED)


Thank you Toan! now it works perfectly:


I think this is how knowledge is built in the real world, let’s examine the fact:

YouTube has accumulated an immense amount of non-interactive educational material.

Working with an application for the creation of hypermedia, of maximum flexibility (ActivePresenter), a user (me) tries to set up a system to make these videos interactive and thus serve to make students think.

There is a problem: at the end of each video portion there are a series of links to other videos (standard YT procedure) that can distract the audience.

The user (me) contacts the ActivePresenter user community and shares the interest of the proposal and the troubles posed by those links at the end of each video portion.

In less than an hour, an Atomi expert (Toan Lee) provides a javascript routine that solves cleanly the problem.

:slight_smile: Now if we were in a “TED talk” we would summarize like this:

What did it take for this wonderful thing to happen?

An application experienced and flexible enough to support solutions for a large number of cases.

A highly trained human team.

A company that is always keeping an eye on its customers and their real needs.

That is why I say, and repeat, that ActivePresenter is my talisman to communicate in the hypermedia space.

There may be bigger companies that do more colorful things, but I doubt that those things are more authentic.

Thanks again and don’t change guys !!


A los/as hispanohablantes les animo a usar en este foro el traductor automático de los navegadores, aquí explica como:


A modo de ejemplo esta es la traducción directa (sin modificaciones) de Chrome de la entrada anterior:

¡Gracias Toan! ahora funciona perfectamente:


Creo que así es como se construye el conocimiento en el mundo real, examinemos el hecho:

YouTube ha acumulado una inmensa cantidad de material educativo no interactivo.

Trabajando con una aplicación para la creación de hipermedia, de máxima flexibilidad (ActivePresenter), un usuario (yo) intenta configurar un sistema para hacer interactivos estos videos y así servir para hacer pensar a los estudiantes.

Hay un problema: al final de cada porción de video hay una serie de enlaces a otros videos (procedimiento estándar de YouTube) que pueden distraer a la audiencia.

El usuario (yo) se pone en contacto con la comunidad de usuarios de ActivePresenter y comparte el interés de la propuesta y los problemas que plantean esos enlaces al final de cada parte del video.

En menos de una hora, un experto en Atomi (Toan Lee) proporciona una rutina de JavaScript que resuelve el problema de forma limpia.

: leve_sonrisa: Ahora bien, si estuviéramos en una “charla TED” resumiríamos así:

¿Qué hizo falta para que sucediera esto maravilloso?

Una aplicación lo suficientemente experimentada y flexible para soportar soluciones para una gran cantidad de casos.

Un equipo humano altamente capacitado.

Una empresa que siempre está pendiente de sus clientes y de sus necesidades reales.

Por eso digo, y repito, que ActivePresenter es mi talismán para comunicarme en el espacio hipermedia.

Puede que haya empresas más grandes que hagan cosas más coloridas, pero dudo que esas cosas sean más auténticas.

Gracias de nuevo y no cambien chicos !!


Hi Toan,

Thanks for the code. I’ll test it.

Here are my solutions:

1- I have found out that if I have my own YouTube, I can set it up to play as “unlisted” and after it plays, the undesirable video suggestions don’t play. But notice that it only happens for the videos I own on my channels.

2- The other solution I have is when I insert a YouTube video (independently of being my own video or not), I can use the action “on ended” and link it with the option of “going to” this or that slide. This way, when the YouTube video is played, it goes automatically to wherever I want.

3- I get bothered by the fact that at any time, the user can click at the YouTube channel’s name or the other links like the YouTube logo, or sharing, and consequently leave my presentation to go somewhere else. So my solution is to put a rectangle above the YouTube video (from the insert tab - geometric figures) and make it transparent. So in order to play the video I can put a button and a code (which I received from your team) for playing/pausing the video.

4- The other solution I have is to host the video in a different host site (ex:Vimeo) and setup the privacy settings to that. Note that in this case you need to have a paid account from Vimeo ( I believe the cheapest one is 7 U$)

To the ActivePresenter team:

If there would be a solution by code that would avoid the user to leave YouTube video clicking on those links I explained in solution #3, I really would love to hear about.


Hi Denilson,

  1. You can use the On Ended event now to trigger the action.
    There is no need to use for the code anymore as the code was the only workaround back then when we did not support On Ended event yet.
  2. Unfortunately, YouTube does not allow to do that so I’m afraid there is no solution to achieve your wish.

Hope this clarifies.

Quynh Anh