UI font size & control code


I’ve download and run the ActivePresenter today,
and I also download an example for testing.

Could any nice one help me to know:

Q1) How do I adjust the UI font size of ActivePresenter?

Q2) How do I know or see if an object containing the control code?

Q3) Could ActivePresenter resize an object around its center point?

Q4) Where can I suggest the correct item name of UI for a specified language (some translations are strange) ?

Thank you very much :grinning: !

Hi Ale,

Thanks for taking your time using ActivePresenter!

We’ll try to improve ActivePresenter feature in the future release so that you can adjust the UI font size (Q1) and resize an object around its center point (Q3).

About Q2, you can go to the slide Properties pane > Interactivity tab. All the objects’ events - actions will be shown in the Events-Actions section.

In addition, you can send your suggestion for us through support@atomisystems.com. We really appreciated that.

Best regards,

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Hi @PhuongThuy_Le Phuo
I would like to know if this functionality has been added in ActivePresenter, because I would also have this need.
But in the settings I don’t see anything that can make me change the font size.
Thank you very much
Kind regards