The slides change automatically

The slides change automatically

ActivePresenter Version: 7

OS: Windows

I want the slides to change only when the student clicks the “next” and “previous” button. Not automatically when the timeline ends. Another question, ¿Can it make the student copy the texts? Or upload everything as images. Thanks.

Hi Potatin,

You can add a button to your slide then select option “Pause presentation to wait for user input” in Properties Pane to pause the timeline. To make this button transparent to users, you should move the button to outside the canvas or change its appearance to No Text, No Fill, and No Line.


We will improve this feature in the next release by adding the new option “Auto Advance” for slides. This will enable or disable advance slides automatically when timeline ends.

For the question “Can it make the student copy the texts? Or upload everything as images”: The current version of ActivePresenter doesn’t allow to disable text selection in objects, but it can be done by JavaScript. Please follow below steps to disable text selection in objects:

  • Add On Load event for the slides
  • Add Execute JavaScript action
  • Then add the code $(prez.object(‘object_name’).node).css(‘user-select’, ‘none’);. Please replace object_name by the name of the object that you want to disable text selection.

We will improve this feature in the next releases also.
