Text entry positioning issue

Problem: When I create a text entry question the fill-in box is in one location, but when I run it, it’s in another location relative to the text quite a ways to the right of the text. Can anyone suggest hot to get it to stay in the same place I put it in design? I would attach the slide project but I dont see a way to attach one here. I have images of the design and display screens though.
As designed: image
As displayed upon running: image

ActivePresenter version: 9.1.5

OS: Windows 11



Please send your project to our support email address support@atomisystems.com so we can take a look at it.
Besides, you can try using the Fill in Blanks question (Questions tab > Fill in Blanks)
For more details, check out this article:


Thank you for sending your project, @rzjunction
The reason is you created a responsive project. A responsive project has different layouts for different viewport sizes. By default, ActivePresenter defines five responsive layouts that correspond to the most popular device screen sizes, but those layout sizes are not the device viewport sizes.
So, that’s why you see the problem.

As can be seen, your viewport is 1280x720 in the editor.

When you preview your output with the correct dimensions (1280x720), you’ll see there is no difference.

I see that you don’t make any changes in any responsive layout, so creating a responsive project is unnecessary. You can convert your project to a non-responsive one (normal) to do things easier, faster, and more conveniently. The output of a non-responsive (normal) project can work on any device thanks to the AutoFit feature.

Hope that the explanation is straightforward.
Should you have further questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.