There are many great features in Saola Animate, so I’m surprised that text animation isn’t one of them. Of course, it’s possible to accomplish that slowly and tediously with frame-by-frame transformations, but it would be great to be able to choose from some canned animation/effect sequences. The old SwishMax app had its limitations (mainly, that it was for creating Flash videos), but it really excelled in creating exciting text for presentations. Any plans to offer such text animations? Thanks.
It’s already in the feature list, but unfortunately we have no clear plan for it yet.
For now, you can use a third-party JS library such as GreenSock SplitText, Textillate.js… for creating text animations in Saola Animate.
Just to add my two cents-- I also used Swishmax and because of its many actions you could make text do some amazing things. A feature I especially liked was you could import an image devide it up in a 100 pieces and have them explode with an action.
I think a JS livrary of actions like the OP mentioned, just made for Saola would be great. If not from Atomi then a third party could create and sell them. I think it would be a great opportunity for some JS programmer to do just that. I don’t know, but I assume that jQuery, or Angular could be brought in as well.
Thanks for your reply, and remembering about the ability to use the image effects, as well. I hope that other users see the value in having such text animations, and add their voices to requesting the addition of such capabilities. In the meantime, I’m going to attempt to add and work with the GreenSock Library. I have loaded it as a resource, but haven’t figured out how to actually use it yet…
I too had used Swishmax for years and enjoyed using the text effects and animations. I would love to see text effects and animations incorporated into Saola Animate!
The general steps are as the follows:
- Add JS files / URLs to Resources
- Add a Run JavaScript action to a timeline trigger, or an element/ scene event (depending on your needs) to run text animations when the event occurs.
- Write your own function using the JS library to animate the text. You should refer to the library manual/ demo to do this step (some demos for SplitText here). Just one thing to remember is that you can use the following script to get the HTML text div from the element name in Saola Animate:
I used the anime.js library for the splash screen in our memory game:
Please add text animation. I think it would be great in Saola!
Hi Steve,
We’ll consider supporting text animation in version 3.
Thanks Toanis. I’d be very interested in this also.