When creating a hyperlink in the Event Handler (Mouse Click-GoTo URL-Target Object Params), how do I open a link in the Parent Window when the Saola Animate created HTML5 is sitting in an iframe? At the moment the links open in the iframe.
Hi Evan,
It’s been a while!
To open the link in the new tab, just select the New Window option:
Hope it helps you.
I am well thanks and yes it has been a while since I visited. That’s not to say I haven’t been using Saola, which I have!
Back on topic. I wish it were as simple as selecting the New Window option! Unfortunately, whether the New Window option is selected or not selected (true/false) the new page still opens in the same iframe that the Saola animation is sitting in, not in the parent page outside of the iframe that is holding it.
It’s not a big issue but would be nice to have an animated Navigation Panel rather than boring text links in the Learning Management System I am working in. The solution probably needs some Javascript editing to navigate outside URL’s in an iframe, the skills which I do not have.
There must be some settings in the iframe that prevent it from opening a new window. We may need to take a look at your page to further investigate and assist you.
Or if you want to override the parent page, you can use the JavaScript action:
parent.location = 'https://new/url';
I am not sure how I can give you permissions to look at the page. I can copy the source of the page into a txt doc? Would that work?
How would I implement the Javascript action using Saola Animate?
If you cannot permit us to look at the page, you can send the code to our email address support@atomisystems so we can check.
Regarding implementing the JavaScript action, you can add it to the element Mouse Click event. For a better illustration, see the attached image: