Symbol Parameter

Problem: How do I pass parameters to Symbol? I have multiple instances of the symbol and I would like to customize the symbol by passing textual/number parameters to it - like how we can do in Flash.

Saola Animate version: 2.7.1

OS: Win10


This feature is already in our TODO list but we don’t have an exact plan for it yet.

In the current version, you can use JavaScript to pass parameters to a symbol.
Please see the setSymbolParams function, and Scene Activate event of the main document scene in this sample: Symbol-Parameters.saolapack (3.2 KB)


I see… so getSymbolDoc() is different from doing getElement(‘symId’).getDoc() right? I would have assumed this would have returned the doc for the symbol instead of having to do the special undocumented “getSymbolDoc()”. Perhaps if the documentation or the intellisense can offer all available API, things will be easier to navigate and figure out.


getElement('symId').getDoc() returns the document that contains the symbol element (symbol instance), i.e the main document in this case.
getElement('symId').getSymbolDoc() returns the symbol, i.e the document embedded into the symbol instance.
We’ll try to update the manual for this API.
