Slides turns automatically and retry doesn't work

System: Windows 10

Question 1: The slides turns automatically, can I turns the slides when I want to turn?
Question 2: When I click the button “Check”, I set it “Retry” when the answer is incorrect, but I couldn’t do anything(drag the letters to the right place), only just turn to next page or restart the whole project from the first slide.


Hi Johnson,
Please find my answers below:
Question 1:
Please deselect the Auto Advance option:
deselect auto advance option
Besides, when you preview your project, please select other modes (Tutorial , Practice , or Test ) instead of the Demonstration mode.

Question 2:

You can define the maximum attempt that learners can reply to the question by selecting the answer area, then in the Properties pane > Interactivity tab > Score & Reporting > enter the number of attempts that learners can interact with the question:


Thanks a lot! Your words are helpful.
but the new problems occured.

First, the answers are correct, but the correct feedback and incorrect feedback appeared at the same time.

Second, the answers are incorrect, but the feedback is correct.

Thanks for your help!


Could you share your project to so we can check?


Ok,I will send you with a attached zip file at once

I couldn’t send a email to support with a attached file.
Question 1(Slide 1): There are two questions on the same slide, when I finish one question right and check at this moment, the both of feedbacks --correct and incorrect will show at the same time. How can I change this, correct feedback for both of the two questions right, but incorrect feedback only.

Question 2:(Slide 2)
After testing for tens times, I found that, if there are two a in the same word, the computer knows which a in which place excatly, but not the people. Can I fix it? Thant would be OK for no matter which a.

Question 3(Slide 3):
I choose Flex in Container Layout for the question, when I drag the words, a letter will jump out of the buttom. How can I fix it?

I have sent a email with the project file by gmail successfully.


I’ve requested access to your project file, please approve it.


Hi Johnson,

Please find my answers as below:

Question 1:

Normally, each question comes with a Submit (Check) button. In your project, you use the same button for two questions in one slide. Therefore, when clicking the button, feedback messages of both questions appear as you mentioned. You should use one question in each slide.

Question 2:

Unfortunately, ActivePresenter does not support this feature. However, you can color two “a” differently and guide users which color should appear first. Or, you can consider using drag-n-drop questions.

Question 3:

This problem occurs when the size of the object is not an integer. We’ll try to fix the issue. At the moment, you can temporarily fix it by changing the width of objects from Auto to px .
