Show media controls in Audio files


I can’t figure out how to give the users the control over an audio file. If I insert a button, I can add the event “Play” audio, but there is no event to stop/pause it. I’ve checked the option “Show media controls” but I think that only works for videos. Is there any code I can add to sort this out?

Thank you,



Hi Cecilia,

The option “Show media controls” is applicable for both audio and video objects. For audio objects, you should adjust their size on Canvas so that the media controls aren’t cut off.
Besides, you can use Show/Hide Object action to Play (from the beginning)/Stop audio/video objects. Please make sure that the Autoplay option of the audio/video object is enable, otherwise those actions just show/hide the object, not play/stop it.


Thank you, I haven’t realised the box should be resized :grinning: