Shape Difference, Union, Intersection

Please consider more shape editing functions.
such as Difference, Union, Intersection as the help link below:

I think about this since I want to create
a circle’s animation opening video inside Soala,
but Saola can not draw a circle as below:
as I know, the figure above
need a difference on both a circle and a rotated rectangle,
or some great person to tell me how to create it on Soala.


Hi Afei,

Please find my answers below:

  1. To keep the aspect ratio of a shape, you can come to its Properties pane > Position & Size tab > click the Link width to height checkbox (the chain icon).

  2. To create the circle animation above, you can try following these steps:

  • Insert an oval shape
  • In its Properties pane > Styles tab > set No Fill and Solid line style
  • In the Draw Mode drop-down list > select Partly > type any value in the Line Length box.
    For example:


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One bug found here: The Link of Width and Height cannot be exactly.
Firstly show my preset 50x50 of an oval shape.
then link the width and height, after some (3 or 5 times) resizing, something happened.
as you can see the figure above,
it will be “likely” the same ratio on both width and height, not “exactly”.

Best Regard,


Thanks for reporting the problem.
The cause may be a conflict with canvas snapping when you resize.
You can temporarily fix it by accessing the View menu > click Canvas Snapping to turn it off.


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