Screen Recording Not Working MacBook Pro Catalina OS

Problem: Recording software not recording any actual screen. None of the video is recording. It essentially just takes a screenshot and no video is captured at all.

ActivePresenter Version: 7

OS: macOS Catalina 10.15


all I get is my desktop background. all open window are ghost, nothing

That happened to me at first. When you upgrade to Catalina, you have to go into your system settings and grant ActivePresenter 7 permission to record your screen.

Thank you I will try that

how do I grant permission? I am not that familiar with Mac yet

System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Screen Recording>Check the box for Active Presenter to grant access.


I’m trying testing Avtivepresenter with macbook and Catalina. First in version 7 but it does record just die screen and it diesn’t record any videos. The access to capture the screen in system preferences > screen record ist granted.
After that I installed AP 8 but that App wasn’t euther able to start. It crashes while startting.

Any ideas what’s causing that issues?



Please make sure that you have selected Record Video instead of Record Software Simulation.
Regarding the crashing issue on AP8, can you please share the content of Crash Reporter so we can check?


thanks for that quick response.
I can’t start AC Version 8. The App Icon stays in the dock but the app doesn’t start.


Can you please check with the below temporary version to see if it works?



thanks for that new version which I installed immiadetly. But unfortunately it doesn’t work either. Are known some incompatibilities with other apps or antivirus software?


Please try the following then restart the program:

  • Delete the folder at /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/ActivePresenter
  • Delete the folder at /Users/<your_user_name>/Documents/ActivePresenter Templates (please remember to backup your template data in this folder to somewhere)


The version ActivePresenter macOS 8.0.3 does not show under system preferences > security & privacy > screen recording

The version you shared above does not work either.

However the version macOS 7.5.13 does work.

I am working on macOS Catalina 10.15.3

Please make sure you installed ActivePresenter in the Application folder, then start ActivePresenter and select Record Video > Record to see if it appears in the list or not.
