Replay cursor size too small

After recording a video and exporting it, the cursor size is too small to see. How can I increase the size of the cursor before exporting so that cursor is visible.

When I select the video and the properties and ‘cursor’… the ‘cursor highlight type’ field is not available.

i am running version 7.7.5 on OSX 10.14.3.

My thanks

I guess you did not “make cursor editable” in the settings. If yes, see if you checked “Render Cursor” at the property.

I figured out why the ‘cursor highlight type’ was not visible… I guess my screen is too small. I needed to scroll the pane over.

So I can get the ‘highlight’ to work fine.

BUT… the actual mouse image… the little arrow… is way too small when rendered. I use a high resolution screen and under OSX I set the mouse pointer image quite large. This increase seems to be lost when the render happens. Any more help?

Thanks for your quick response!!!



It seems to be a bug in ActivePresenter for macOS. We will check and get back to you soon.



We confirm it is a bug in ActivePresenter 7.5.5 when working on macOS Retina Screen. We will fix this issue in the next update.
