Remove Annotation

is there any way to remove annotation from active presenter software simulator project, as we know that prior recording we can disable from the setting . however how to remove all annotation after recoding ?
i have around 700 slides , so i want to remove annotation bulk method .

if anyone familiar, please share your valuable comments for the same.


You can try:

  • ActivePresenter 7: Slides > Batch Operations > Delete Objects…
  • ActivePresenter 8: ActivePresenter menu > Project > Batch Operations > Delete Objects…


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Thanks for your great support, it worked well.

ActivePresenter 8 , Is there any feature export to Powerpoint slide format. i can seen only imabge, video, html and PDF

i need ppt format


It looks like you’re using ActivePresenter for macOS.
Export to MS Office (Word, Excel, PPT) is only available in the Windows version.

Best Regards,