Recording Settings: Cursor Path without Mouse Click Object needed

Problem: When recording a Software Tutorial I just need the mouse cursor path with a visible click action (yellow rhombus in the timeline). I don’t need the “Mouse Click_1” object so i have to delete it manually after recording. Is there a better way for my project?

The checkbox Mouse Click interaction activates/deactivates the rhombus as well as the mouse click object.

ActivePresenter Version: latest

OS: Win 10

Notes:see figure for clarification.

Hi Marcel,

Maybe selecting Slides > Batch Operations > Delete Objects is what you are looking for?


Hi Phuong,

via batch operations it is a good way to remove mouse_click after the content is recorded. The conenient way for me would be a recording without mouse_click interaction. But when I uncheck it, i am also loosing the “rhombus” and therefore the “click” effect oft he cursor path.


Thanks for your feedback. We will improve this in the future updates.
