Project name in Browser Tab and blank page at the end of a slide


ActivePresenter version: 9.1.5

OS: Win 10

Notes: There are only two cosmetic issues:

  1. Where in the project, I can change the projectname, seen in browser-tab?
  2. In slide 6, I can’t figure out, why at the end a blank page shows up. See my project time line and the online-version of the presentation:

Many thanks for any hint.


@diva4650 - to name the project, follow these four steps

  1. Click ActivePresenter
  2. Click Project
  3. Click Properties
  4. Change Project Name as desired


As for Slide 6 - I am not sure what you want to show and what you want to hide but I might suggest trying to right click on the items on your timeline and choose Show to the End of Slide for the items you want to still have showing.

Hopefully this is helpful.

Fast help - works - perfect!

Many thanks


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While using ActivePresenter, you can take a look at the User Manual (F1), Tutorial page (ActivePresenter 9 Tutorials - Atomi Systems, Inc.), and YouTube channel ( for your reference, @diva4650
Many video tutorials are available on our YouTube channel. For example, the instructions on how to change the project name:

Thanks @gregs for your detailed instructions :blush:


Many thanks for the hint!
I use the tuts already but sometimes, there is a detail, which to find in tuts or manuals are not available:)

