Programmatically shuffling scenes in specific order

Just downloaded Saola Animate today so I haven’t delved into it very long. I’m thinking I could possibly group an assortment of animations in separate scenes. Is it possible with the API, perhaps, to programmatically shuffle the scenes in a desired order?

I could try to parse the .js file but that method might be a bit kludgy.


To show a certain, you can use Jump To Scene action, or doc.showScene(scene name) / doc.showScene(scene index) JavaScript APIs.

You can take a look at this page for tutorials of Saola Animate:


Thanks. I saw where to add api and tried it but it doesn’t seem to work when I had two scenes. I also took a look at swapping images sample:
Swapping images If there’s a way to loop through all scenes I can find the scene name I’m looking for and run that and so on.

Opening a doc with a specific scene works (Link from external site) but I’m not sure how to I would go about jumping to say scene 5 after scene 2 is complete.


You need to clear Auto-Advance check box in Scene Properties pane so that it doesn’t advance to the next scene automatically.
After that, you can insert a trigger at the end of the main timeline, and use an action to jump to a specific scene:
