PowerPoint-export for video project

Dear support.
I’m new to AP and just for curiosity I tried to export a screen recoding project to PowerPoint. Actually this did not work very well and the result were PPT slides with a strange blury image in the background (at least in PPT 2016). However, in the output folder AP also rendered several video files (.wmv).

The export results for MS Word or PDF looked better since the background image (preview image of the slide) was’nt broken.

Best wishes

ActivePresenter version: 8.3

OS: Windows 10


Hi Ludger,

There are headers and footers on each slide. You can style them manually in Microsoft PowerPoint as normal after exporting, or remove them by unchecking Show Slide Name check box when exporting.


Are there video files in your project? When exporting to ppt, they will be converted to .wmv files.


Dear Hoa,
it was a video project. The conversion to .wmv-files worked but the exported slides looked very strange. Were you able to reproduce the problem?
Here is a screen from the exported ppt

Best wishes

Hi Ludger,

Can you send your project and its external data folder (named PROJECT_FILE_files) via support@atomisystems.com so we can take a look?


Hi Luger,

Thanks for sharing the files.

It seems to be a PowerPoint problem in generating poster frame on your computer so the issue. As you can see in the video, I inserted the video again but the problem did not occur. I also reset the poster frame of the exported video and it turned to normal.

Can you please try updating Microsoft Office or Windows (since Office uses Windows Media Components) to see if it helps?
