Percentage complete indicator

Hi there,

I’d love to be able to add a percentage complete indicator on a course that shows how much has been completed. I would like to show it across multiple slides and for it to automatically work out the completion percentage based on the number of slides left to complete.

Is this something that is possible now or something you would consider adding in the future?



Hi Ashley,

It’s not possible now for you to show the completion percentage based on the number of slides left, unfortunately. However, you can consider showing the number of taken slides over total slides across multiple slides as a workaround by using the 2 following system variables: apTakenSlides and apTotalSlides.
Here’s how:

  1. Add a text caption (or a shape).
  2. Add references into the text caption. To do that, click inside the Text Caption. ( Home > Reference > System > apTakenSlides > / apTotalSlides ).
  3. Right-click the text caption and choose Show over Multiple Slides .

Hope this helps!