Odd value recorded with session_time

ActivePresenter version: 8.5

I have a client who is trialling AP to create SCORM 1.2 modules from PowerPoint. We have uploaded the packages to their LMS but are getting odd session / total time readings.

I did the following test. Launch the module and leave for five minutes. Close the module window. Launch the module again and leave for five minutes again. Close the module window.

I would expect to see a session_time of 5 minutes for each launch and a total_time of 5 minutes for the first launch and 10 minutes for the second launch.

However, the second launch has added both first and second session_times together (10 mins) and added this to the existing total_time to create 15 minutes. Below are the cmi recorded values in the LMS database and attached are the SCORM debug logs that show each session was only five minutes.

First Launch

  • cmi.suspend_data eyJtYXAiOnt9LCJpbmZvIjp7InNsaWRlcyI6W3t9XSwiZmJzIjpbXSwicmFuZG9tTWFwIjp7fSwiaW5kZXgiOjAsInRzIjo1OTEzLCJlbGFwc2VkVGltZSI6MzA5MzgwLCJ2YXJzIjp7ImFwU2NvcmVTdWJ0cmFjdCI6MH0sInMiOjF9LCJuZXh0SWR4IjowfQ==
  • cmi.core.entry resume
  • cmi.core.score.raw 0
  • cmi.core.score.min 0
  • cmi.core.score.max 100
  • cmi.core.session_time 00:05:10
  • cmi.core.total_time 00:05:10.00
  • cmi.core.lesson_status incomplete
  • cmi.core.exit suspend

Second Launch

  • cmi.suspend_data eyJtYXAiOnt9LCJpbmZvIjp7InNsaWRlcyI6W3t9XSwiZmJzIjpbXSwicmFuZG9tTWFwIjp7fSwiaW5kZXgiOjAsInRzIjo1OTEzLCJlbGFwc2VkVGltZSI6NjA1OTI3LCJ2YXJzIjp7ImFwU2NvcmVTdWJ0cmFjdCI6MH0sInMiOjF9LCJuZXh0SWR4IjowfQ==
  • cmi.core.entry resume
  • cmi.core.session_time 00:10:06
  • cmi.core.total_time 00:15:16.00
  • cmi.core.score.raw 0
  • cmi.core.score.min 0
  • cmi.core.score.max 100
  • cmi.core.lesson_status incomplete
  • cmi.core.exit suspend

Okay, it won’t let me attach PDFs. I’ll email the SCORM logs.


We are checking for the problem and will get back to you soon.


Hi Mackavi,

It’s a bug in current ActivePresenter. We will fix it soon in the next update.


Hi @mackavi,

This issue has been fixed in ActivePresenter 8.5.5.



I’ll pass that along to my client and get them to download the latest version.
