New version & upgrade question

I am hesitating about upgrading to v8 from v6. I had just started to adapt to v6 when v7 came out and didn’t wish to pay for a new ( upgrade) so soon after purchasing v6 at that time. Will there be a new upcoming version (v 9) soon , should I wait ?
Thanking you.
Best regards,

Hi Eugene,

ActivePresenter 9 is going to be released in the next few months.
At this time, you can upgrade to ActivePresenter 8 and experience all the enhancements.
Each purchase includes one year of major version upgrades (e.g. from 8.x to 9.x) and support services.
Please take a look at our Upgrade Policy at this link: ActivePresenter Upgrade Policy - Atomi Systems, Inc.

Have a nice day,


Thank you for your answer.

Best regards,