Problem: New timeline stays empty, when added a mp3-file.
ActivePresenter version: 9.1.
OS: Win 10
Notes: Have seen, that fill in objects in a added timeline shall be easy…
I create a new timeline, rename it and choose a mp3-file.
When loaded, this file goes into the slide in the major timeline slot not in my music timeline.
What I want to achieve: I have 17 slides. The music shall play continues during the presentation.
Interactive Timeline is used for adding animations, you cannot add other objects into this timeline. For example, in the Main Timeline, you can apply only one entrance or exit effect but multiple emphasis effects and motion paths to an object. However, interactive timelines allow you to add multiple effects of all types to a single object.
For more information about interactive timeline, please refer to this tutorial: How to Work with Interactive Timelines in ActivePresenter 9
If you want music to play over 17 slides, please add the music to the first slide in the Main Timeline, set it as background music and enable it to play over multiple slides.