Do you have a timeline for when motion path easing will be available in ActivePresenter? I know it has been promised for a few years now - but I still can’t find a way to do it.
Even if you would just offer the option to turn on quad start and quad end would be good.
Long time no see, @david_pak
For your information, we currently don’t have any plan to implement this feature.
but thank you for your response,
It seems like it should be quite easy to implement - given that you already have the modules in place to control the speed of movement along the path. Only now the speed would be a function of distance along the path, instead of a constant. It’s probably only 6-10 lines of code (for the underlying function) and the addition of two checkboxes on the Effect Settings dialog box? So, I’m guessing the reason why it’s not on the future plan is strategic?
For your information, ActivePresenter focuses on re-using preset animations rather than detailed animation editing.
Developing the easing feature is a good idea but not many ActivePresenter users need it. We want to keep it simple for the majority of users.
Hope that the provided information clarifies you.
Have a nice day.