Mobile Portrait Height

Users are complaining that on their devices they have to scroll to the bottom of their device. We want to know if there is a way to resize the height of the canvas and adjust the layout.

ActivePresenter Version:



Can you please share the project file so we can check?


Hi Dao, it is for any project really. If I set the slide height to 600 then it will show without a scroll bar on the right for my phone which is a Huawei Mate 9 Pro. But for an apple iPhone 7 user, it will show with the scroll bar and they have do scroll down to the bottom to submit.

The question here is about changing the size of the ap.player dynamically, or removing the scroll bar on the right or something else.

Hi Ali,

I guess you are editing responsive projects? If so, you can change the layout height as described at

If you are editing non-responsive projects, you can change their size by clicking Design > Slide Size or convert theme to responsive ones by selecting ActivePresenter > Project > Convert To Responsive Project…

Unfortunately, there is no option to change the size of ap.player dynamically.


The video gave a good example on adjusting the slide height and setting the custom height. So far it seems to have solved the problem. We are testing it on different screen devices to be sure. But thank you for the excellent support over all.