How do I approach this issue? For some reason active presenter 9 does not have media manipulation function. I want to mute and unmute video inside a slide using a button and also pause and unpause the video, I had done the pause function but I needed to do this using Javascript, which seems weird considering it should be able to have this preloaded function within the app.
For some reason active presenter 9 does not have media manipulation function.
Please make sure that you select video on the Canvas or the Timeline pane.
Then, navigate to the Properties pane > Media tab > select the Show Media Controls option.
After that, you can pause/play or mute/unmute video using media controls instead of adding a button with JavaScript code.
I have certain look that I want to achieve with this project, mainly to be able to manipulate the media without showing the actual media manipulation UIs, instead i have my own button to mute the video like this, using OnClick function
Hope that the following scripts address your concern:
// Replace 'videoObjectName' with the actual name of your video object
var videoObject = prez.object("videoObjectName");
var videoObjectNode = videoObject ? videoObject.node : null;
if (videoObjectNode) {
var video = videoObjectNode.querySelector('video');
// Toggle the muted state if the video element exists
if (video) {
video.muted = !video.muted;
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This solution does work! Thanks!
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