Logo in player's top bar

could you add an option to add a company logo in the player’s top bar?
For example: top right corner, moving optional ressource button to middle or just to the left of the company logo?
Best regards,

Hi Martin,

We have a plan to allow customizing the player in the editor but I think we can not implement it soon.
If you have some HTML skill, you can do it by editing the player layout files at C:\Program Files\ATOMI\ActivePresenter\templates\html5\skin<layout_name>\player\layouts

For example, you can add an svg image in the top bar of the Modern-Thin skin by editing the file:
C:\Program Files\ATOMI\ActivePresenter\templates\html5\skin\Modern-Thin\player\layouts\topbar.html as below:

<div class="ap-toolbar-top ap-toolbar" style="padding:5px;" role="toolbar" tabindex="0">
    <div class="ap-tool-projectname"></div>
    <div class="ap-button ap-tool-resources" data-has-label="true"></div>
 	<svg width="100" height="100">
	  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />
