Localization using .XLF file

Problem: I would like to know how exactly translators can translate using a .xlf file. Do translators translate withing the exported .xlf file? Also, translators translate on the basis of words. Since XLF comes with details of objects in ActivePresenter such as font, font type etc., how can word count be taken and bills are settled. Any case studies related to translation or best practices for handling localization? Please suggest.

ActivePresenter Version: 8

OS: Win10


Hi Shri,

The steps for localizing a project are listed below:

  • Export the original version of project (final state) to an XLIFF file.
  • Use an XLIFF editor to translate the XLIFF file ( Swordfish Translation Editor, PoEdito) to the target language. Some editor can extract text from format tags and translators only need to translate the plain text. They may also provide statistic functions to count the number of words or sentences. Some of them also support translation memory and this process can be automated at some levels. For example, you can find the information about Swordfish features at https://www.maxprograms.com/products/swordfish.html.
  • Make a copy of original project and import the translated XLIFF file into it. After that, you can also use Replace Backgrounds… function for localizing the image content.



Can you please elaborate how to use images smartly? I have to take output for 2 products using same content in English plus conversion of the same in other language.

If a screenshot is converted as background image, can it be restored to normal image if required?

I am sorry for confusion. I meant the Slide Background Images. For normal images, you need to replace them manually.
