JS - Top of Page Issue

My canvas is tall and extends out of the view-port.
Currently my canvas is in an iFrame because my bootstrap disables my animation)

I am trying to use an Event on an image button using Javascript to scroll back to the top of the page.
However, It doesn’t work, I think the reason is because the animation is in an iFrame and the scrollbar is actually the browser scrollbar and not the iframe scrollbar

So, I am wondering how can I make this work?


function elementEventHandler(doc, e) {
	window.scrollTo(0, 0);

Saola Animate version:



BTW… here is my actual project I am working on…
You will see the button on the bottom, clicking it doesn’t do anything


Yes, as you suspect the window belongs to the iFrame. You need the parent.

window.parent.scrollTo(0, 0);

Iframes are also subject to Cross Site restrictions, so it may not work locally.

That works Perfectly, Thanks!

Hello! I tried use this script. Does not work.
How to make auto scroll top page if i use iframes in slides?