Import GIFT, ::title::

Dear support,
I tried to import some GIFT examples from GIFT format - MoodleDocs.
However I found that e.g. question titles are not imported correctly, actually they appear as ::Q1:: in the slide’s heading.
Best wishes

Can you tell why this GIFT-code from one of the websites with examples does not import into AP?

What is the value of pi (to 3 decimal places)? {#3.1415:0.0005}.

Hi Ludger,

Please watch this video and make sure that you create the GIFT file correctly before importing it into ActivePresenter.

Besides, you can refer to the written tutorial for detail information:


Dear Thuy,
thank you. I just tried the GIFT examples from the Moodle website. I did not modify them, just copy&paste to see if they import into AP.
Best wishes

I have the general impression that the GIFT import at the moment does not fully support the format. In the example below no feedback on a selected option is imported and also the half credit option is not provided.

Difficult multiple choice question.{
~wrong answer #comment on wrong answer
~%50%half credit answer #comment on answer
=full credit answer #well done!}

Hi Ludger,

At this time, ActivePresenter hasn’t supported importing feedback from GIFT file, unfortunately.
