How to stop user navigating past a particular slide in Practice mode

Problem:How do I stop a user navigating past a particular slide before completing it

ActivePresenter Version: 7

OS: 10

Notes: I am constructing an e learning topic with three sections. In each section there is a demonstration and then a practice. After the user has completed the last slide in the practice he can then progress to the next section. How can I prevent the user navigating to section 2 before completing the practice on section 1?

It will look like this
Section 1 demo
Section 1 practice
Section 2 demo
Section 2 practice

thx as always

Hi Paul,

Firstly, insert a button at the end of section 1 practice to pause the presentation. The user must click it to go to section 2.
Secondly, prevent the user from jumping to other slides (using ToC or bottom toolbar) by setting Navigation option in Export > Player Settings > General > Content to None or Backward Only.


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Many thanks will try that out
