Hide Drag Source

I want to hide or sent to back the drag Source in OnCorrect of DragTarget.
Pls help.



For ActivePresenter 6.x, you can hide a drag source when it’s dropped into a drop target by doing the steps below:

  1. Select the drop target, click Accept List button in Drag-n-Drop section of its Properties pane.
  2. In the Event Editor appears, add Execute JavaScript action for each drag source you want to hide (replace Drag Source Name by the name of each drag source):
    Prez.GetObject('Drag Source Name').Show(false);
    To add this action:
    2.1. For Drop Area: Select Accepted Drag Source tab of Event Editor, select Action By Object check box, double-click the cell in each drag source row - Actions column to add action.
    2.2. For normal drop target: Select Accepted Drag Source tab of Event Editor, double-click the cell in each drag source row - Actions column to add action.


Thanks for immediate reply,
But Object not defined error is showing.

It seems that you didn’t update the JavaScript code with the correct drag source name. For example, if the drag source name is Shape_1, the JavaScript code become Prez.GetObject('Shape_1').Show(false);

28 PM17 PM

After this coding, the output was blank slide. pls help. Thanks.

The quote around the drag source name must be a single quote ( ’ ) or double quote character ( " ). The screenshot shows that you probably typed the wrong character. Please try again by copying/pasting the following code to JavaScript editor in ActivePresenter: Prez.GetObject('parivu1').Show(false);

It works. Thanks a lot.