Fullscreen mode on an embed iframe?

Hey guys,

I’ve embed my quiz via an iframe following these advices https://atomisystems.com/tutorials/ap7/embedding-html5-course-into-a-webpage/ and i’d like to combine that with a fullscreen mode, essentialy to make it responsive for a view on smartphone. But iframes dont allow fullscreen mode, does it ?

Is there any other way I could do that ? I tried the responsive mode but can’t reach my goal with it.

ActivePresenter Version: 8.

OS: Windows 10.

Hi Benjamin,

You can add allowfullscreen attribute to the iframe so that you can click fullscreen button in the HTML5 player toolbar to go fullscreen.
The iframe code will look like this:

<iframe allowfullscreen src="path/to/ActivePresenter/HTML file" style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; border: none; overflow: hidden;"></iframe>


Hey Toan, thanks a lot !