Embed Youtube or Vimeo

Is there a simple way to embed a Youtube or Vimeo video into a Saola page the way we import a movie file – Ideally using their embed codes so as to fine tune settings of how it plays.

For e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyj8J1zKqAg




Hi Shawn,

You can get embedded URL of a Youtube or Vimeo video, and use HTML Widget element to embed it into Saola Animate.

To set other properties for the embedded video, you must add script to Scene Activate event, e.g.

function onSceneActivated(doc, e) {
  var videoFrame = doc.getElement('HTML_Widget_1').embeddedDom;
  videoFrame.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '');



Would the code below turn full screen option ON or do I need to modify it? I tried the one below and was unable to get full screen to work upon clicking the small icon on bottom right of the video.

function onSceneActivated(doc, e) {
var videoFrame = doc.getElement(‘HTML_Widget_1’).embeddedDom;
videoFrame.setAttribute(‘allowfullscreen’, ‘’);

No, fullscreen must be initiated by an user interaction (e.g. tap, click).
Setting allowfullscreen attribute is just a necessity for the frame to be fullscreen.


Yes, this part I understand. However, even on click I cannot get video to go to full screen. Perhaps I am doing something wrong.

Untitled.saolapack (5.6 KB)

It’s a bug or feature in Chrome.
To make it work on Chrome, you must reload the embedded content:

function onSceneActivated(doc, e) {
  var videoFrame = doc.getElement('HTML_Widget_1').embeddedDom;
  videoFrame.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '');
  // reload the frame to make allowfullscreen working on Chrome
  var videoSrc = videoFrame.src;
  videoFrame.src = '';
  videoFrame.src = videoSrc;


  1. Still not working for me …

Untitled.saolapack (1.8 KB)

  1. Is there another code where by clicking on play, the full screen opens automatically (vs. click on button)?
  1. What’s your OS and browser?
    Please try on another browser to see if it works.
  2. It may depend on the video sharing platform (Youtube, Vimeo…). You should google for a specific platform you’re interest in.


Windows, Chrome Version 74.0.3729.169

Looking for Youtube solution in Chrome.

You’re right, it works in Firefox and even in Chrome Canary.

Please try updating Chrome to the latest version: Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build)

Regarding full screen Youtube video, I think you can do it with Fullscreen API, and Youtube Player API.
Unfortunately, I don’t have experience with Youtube Player API so I can’t help you coding it.
