Edit title - Table of Contents in left pane

Problem: Can I Edit Table of Contents text to Menu or something else? Also, I would like it to be aligned centrally. Can we apply alignment to it? Could not find any option to edit it.

ActivePresenter Version: 8

OS: Win 10


Hi Shri,

It is possible to edit Table of Contents text to Menu or any name that you want.
To do that, in the Player Settings window > Player Language > in the Name column > Table of Contents.
Then, in the Value column, you can change the text on its corresponding line. Just double click and type the new name.
Please see my attached image as an example:

In case you want to align the text centrally, in the C:\Program Files\ATOMI\ActivePresenter\templates\html5\css, you can search .ap-toc-header > .ap-toc-header-text. Then, add text-align: center; to get it done.

Best regards,

Thanks a lot. It worked well :slight_smile:

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