Disable updates

Hello, is it possible to disable / hide the ability to update manually inside ActivePresenter from “Help, updates”.

I need to have my users in the same version everytime and control on what type of version they are from Workspace One.

Best regards


Currently, there is no possible way for you to disable / hide the ability to update manually.

You can only turn off the Automatic Updates option by going to Start page or ActivePresenter button at the top left corner of the workspace > Preferences > Miscellaneous > deselect this option in the image:

Quynh Anh

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Thanks for your help.

Moreover, is their any way to possibly disable the checkbox for “Automatically Check for Updates” by default from the settings inside the install folder or in another way.

Best regards.

Hi Hoops,

You can set the following content to the ActivePresenter configuration file at: C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\ActivePresenter\ActivePresenter.apconfig


Please beware that other settings will be reset when doing this.

Best regards,

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Hello, its working i just need to start and close the application and then change the “ActivePresenter.apconfig” setting and add "“updates.auto”:“false”.

Thanks a lot

Best regards