Disable autoplay

Since browsers mute audio on start up, consider adding a setting to enable/disable autoplay upon loading the page and the default setting should be to wait for the user to press the play button to start the presentation/video.

In the meantime, what is the best way to accomplish this now? (or is there already a feature like this that I just can’t find?)

Hi Terry,

You don’t need a setting, just add a Start button to the first slide and require your users to click that button to continue.
However, event-actions will not work in Demonstration mode so we’ll consider an option for this mode if there are more requests.


I totally agree that it will be helpful if we can enable/disable autoplay presentation during loading page. That makes our students do not feel rushed and follow their own pace. I hope Atomi developers will enable this feature soon.

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I also believe that you should be able to set auto start on or off, as a number of my users had requested it, not only for the start but also on resume.

While the start button works for an opening slide, if a user resumes a SCORM based presentation, it launches straight into the last recorded position, often with voice-over being missed before the user realises they are on mute.

The player from iSpring, perhaps one of your largest competitors, pops up a message (see image) asking you to confirm if you want to continue from where you left off. I would like to see the same feature in ActivePresenter.

iSpring restart notice

Hi Ian,

We’ve implemented the resume confirmation message in version 9, which hopefully will be released next month.
