Converting Macromedia Flash into Saola Animate

In 2004, I started writing an Economics eTextbook in Macromedia Flash and updated it until 2017 when I found out Macromedia Flash would be DEAD on major Internet browsers by December 2020.

I tried other Adobe products and other software so I could rewrite my eTextbook. In May of 2019, I came across Saola Animate and started playing with the software.

I found Saola Animate to be the easiest way for me, who has marginal computer programming skills, to take Macromedia Flash and convert it into HTML5. I cannot say enough good things about the software, the people who created the software, and the customer service I have received from everyone at Atomi.

Here is a link to my NEW Microeconomics eTextbook NEW Microeconomics eTextbook using Saola Animate.

Live well, laugh often, and love life much,

Steven Reff,
Retired Economics Lecturer, University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona


Hi Steven,

Thanks for taking the time using Saola Animate and your nice words.
We’re so glad to see your eTextbook and hope that you can create more results with the app.
Please let us know whenever you need further support.

Have a nice day.