Colours for Slide Pools

Our team has started doing training for Active Presenter. While I was writing the manual I noticed the following;

It is hard to see which slides are linked to which slide pool, since all thumbnails are grey, and the text on them is really small.
I see a few options for improvement;

  • Assign a colour to each slide pool. The thumbnail of the random slides would inherit that colour.
  • Allow for bigger text on the thumbnail, this would make it easier to find which slide belongs to which slide pool.

Hi Koen,

Thank you for your nice suggestions. We will improve in the next release.


Hi Namnt,

I assume you forgot about this feature request. We would still very much appreciate different colours for different slide poools.
And also a bigger font on the thumnail.

Please let us know,

Koen den Hartogh
Education for Life

Hi Koen,

We implemented this feature already. It will be available in ActivePresenter 9.


Great, thank you!
When can we expect AP9?

Hi Koen,

We don’t have the exact date yet but hopefully it will be available in this year.
