Change the feedback information

Hello there.
I want to change the feedback information(Wheel Spain). There is no place to modify the information in the template. Can you tell me any other methods to modify it?

Hi Yuanyuan,

Those feedback messages are hidden in the editor.
You can click Show/Hide tools on the Timeline to show them:



Thank you.
By the way, I tried the new game but did not have a good experience.
When I click on the position of the red high heels, no interaction occurs. I want to know why? Can you think of any possibility?


In this game, the author uses Mouse Click objects with max attempts 1 for hidden objects so they’re disabled when the user clicks incorrectly.
Images should be used instead of Mouse Click in this case. We’ll fix it soon.

You can also download the project, set all Mouse Click max attempts to Infinite as a quick fix.


After I changed the number of interactive pictures to infinite, the preview exercise did not produce interaction.
I’m not familiar with these.
I prefer the object to be displayed directly on the picture rather than hidden (hidden can also be.)
Can you send me a notification if you modify this game? Or send the new game to my email:
Thank you very much for your patience.

Yes, we’ll let you know when the game is updated.


Hello there
I asked a question here.
How the path in the treasure hunt changed
When I replaced the picture, I found that it would follow the original path of the picture (red arrow and circle). And I want him to follow a new path (green arrow and circle). How should it be set up and implemented?

I asked a question before, and sent the project file and get feedback.
But now this problem has arisen again.
Open a project file only one file / image interaction can be set to at a time. Nothing happens when clicking the interaction of the second item.
How to solve this problem completely.


In the Race to the Treasure game, we created multiple timelines containing motion path to be along the path in the graphic image. To change the path, you choose the corresponding timeline and edit the motion path the way you want.

Change motion path


Hi Yuanyuan,

I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
Can you please make it clear?
Please create a new topic if it’s not related to this one.


This game has been updated: