Center elements other than text?

Hi there,
currently I am evaluating Saola Animate - coming from tumult Hype, which unfortunately is only available on Mac.
So far I am quite happy with all the options that the program gives. And to see some additional ones I didn’t know I wanted :wink:

But one thing I cannot figure out:
How can I center an element on the scene?
For text it works. But what if I have a div that is not the exact width of my scene, and it should be centered? I can only have it positioned relatively from the left or right. But not the middle.
Is this not possible without workarounds? Or am I missing something?


Updated: It’s available from version 2.5 thanks to alignment tools with Align to Parent and Flexible Layout options.

Hi Lennert,

You can use CSS to do that:

  1. Select the element, and set its Class Name in Properties pane, e.g. hcenter
  2. Create a CSS file with the hcenter class slector which centers elements horizontally, e.g.
    .hcenter {
	margin-left: auto;
	margin-right: auto;
	left: 0 !important;
	right: 0 !important;
  1. Import that CSS file into Resources pane.
  2. Preview in browser or export to HTML5 to see the result.
    FYI, from the next version (2.5), imported CSS rules also take effect in the editor.


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Wow, thanks for the quick reply!
Sure, CSS is always an option. I was just hoping there would be an option in the interface. Maybe this could be a “feature request”? :wink:


Yes, we’ll add this feature to the request pool.


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This feature has been implemented in version 2.5:


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I wonder if it’s possible to have a slight extension to these functions. At the moment, if you select a collection of elements and align - the same alignment is applied to all the elements in the collection.

One of the features I miss from my old application, is that the collection can be treated as a group and the align applied to this as a whole.

For example, in the image below, you’d select the YES / NO elements and click align centre and or align middle and it would be like aligning as a group. This is my work around at the moment, group them, align, then ungroup them.

You can drag the selected elements to snap it as a group to left/right/top/bottom of the slide.
But unfortunately, no center snapping like that.

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