Bypass Submit button and immediately respond

I have a slide with multiple “fill in blanks” objects on it. I can’t figure out how to get the effect I’m trying to achieve. I’d like the first question to be displayed (and the rest hidden). As the user types an answer his or her answer is in red. As soon as the users answer is correct it turns green immediately and the next fill-in question appears below it. This continues until all the fill-ins are done and correct. No submit button - just a recognition when the answer is correct and then it credits the user and continues to the next question. After all the questions are done, the slide advances to the next slide.
[In the attached slide only the first question has been set up to be visible. I haven’t begun to deal with unhiding them one by one yet upon a correct response. I can do that once I know how to make the first one work with the auto-recognition of when it is correct].

Any ideas how to do this?

FIllin_blanks.approj (304 KB)

@rzjunction - does something like this work for your needs?

I used a Text Entry Box instead of a fill in the blank.

fillInBlank.approj (296 KB)

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That’s beautiful Greg, Thank you so much, Not being an Javascript person I figure it would take some script, but had no idea it would be so simple!
The box color rather than text color is OK - though not my original idea, but this is quite elegant. You’re a life saver.

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One more thing, though. By changing to Text Entry Box, the two-word item in question 2 does not show both blanks when the question appears. The second blank doesn’t show up until the first word has been filled in. Is there a way to make both fill-in boxes appear at the same time? I’m not seeing what causes the boxes to appear other than the “initially hidden” setting, but that suppresses the second box when the question appears. This is a two-blank question.

The code is mostly as an onLoad event to the slide.
Each question, if correct, will show the next thing.
Each question is grouped so you can start by adding the text box to the question2 group
I had them separate as I wasn’t sure about that.

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Thank you. I think I can work with it. You’re so helpful.