Blue ring of death, new

Latest version today has stopped my SCORM 1.2 packages working/loading up and mutes my preview courses on startup, making me miss the beginning of the auto start audio. Could you please send me the link to get back to the previous version of the software?

ActivePresenter Version:
Windows 7 64bit

You can get previous version from:

However, it’s better if you insert a start slide which includes a Start button and set it to Continue or Go next slide.
You can control the look and feel of your start screen.


Hi Mathew,

Can you please let us know the following information:

  • The browser and its version on which the issue occurs?
  • The Learning Management System that you are using?


IE 11.0.9600.19002

Thanks for your information. It’s strange because the mute issue should not happen with IE browser. Can you please share the project file so we can check?

IE was for the SCORM in sharepoint problem
I use chrome to preview the courses

I don’t have the files anymore, i’m afraid.


I thought my sharepoint problem would be fixed by now so tried to upgrade ActivePresenter but it isn’t fixed. This is a new presentation I created in the new version. It won’t work in sharepoint

Could you please take a look.

Hi Matthew,

Maybe your server doesn’t have the associated MIME types to support MP3 and MP4 files. I have no experience with SharePoint but the following fix is applied to IIS server which your SharePoint maybe running on. Hope it provides some ideas to your case:

  1. Right-click the site in IIS and select Properties .
  2. Select the HTTP Headers Tab .
  3. Select File Types .
  4. Under the MIME Map section, select New Type .
  5. Type " .mp4 " as the associated extension and " video/mpeg " as the content type.
  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 for mp3 and audio/mpeg.
  7. Click OK .


I don’t have server access…

Could you please send me a link to previous ActivePresenter versions so I may down grade again?

Please find in this link


Hi Sorry,

I need 7.2.3, this one worked for me

Please try this
