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**Concerns about ActivePresenter's Future: Pricing, Compatibility, and AI-Powered Features**

Hello fellow ActivePresenter users,

I wanted to start a discussion about some concerns I have about the direction of ActivePresenter. As a long-time user, I've been disappointed with the app's limitations, particularly its high price and limited compatibility. But what's even more concerning is the lack of innovation and adaptation to the changing landscape of content creation.

With the rise of AI-powered tools, I believe ActivePresenter needs to integrate more AI-driven features to stay relevant. However, it seems like the app is stuck in the past, reminiscent of old Photoshop or Premiere Pro apps. The frequent updates with minimal new features are not enough to justify the cost, especially when compared to free and open-source alternatives for screen recording.

But what's even more frustrating is the pricing model. Every year, we're expected to pay a few hundred dollars for an update that often brings minimal new features. This feels like a lucrative business model that prioritizes profits over customer needs.

I'm not alone in my concerns. I've seen many users express frustration with the app's limitations, compatibility issues, and pricing model. I believe it's time for us to come together and raise our voices to the developers.

Here are some questions I'd like to pose to the community:

* *Are you satisfied with ActivePresenter's current feature set and pricing model?*
* *Do you think the app needs to integrate more AI-powered features to stay relevant?*
* *How do you think the pricing model could be improved to be more customer-friendly?*

Let's start a discussion and hope that the developers will take our feedback into consideration.

#ActivePresenter #PricingModel #AIpoweredFeatures #ContentCreation #ScreenRecording

You can copy and paste this into your forum editor, and it should render as Markdown text.along with some dangerous code i could have given you. Regards. Poe

And of course it should have said; Concerns about ActivePresenter’s Future: Pricing, Compatibility, and AI-Powered Features

Hello fellow ActivePresenter users,

I wanted to start a discussion about some concerns I have about the direction of ActivePresenter. As a long-time user, I’ve been disappointed with the app’s limitations, particularly its high price and limited compatibility. But what’s even more concerning is the lack of innovation and adaptation to the changing landscape of content creation.

With the rise of AI-powered tools, I believe ActivePresenter needs to integrate more AI-driven features to stay relevant. However, it seems like the app is stuck in the past, reminiscent of old Photoshop or Premiere Pro apps. The frequent updates with minimal new features are not enough to justify the cost, especially when compared to free and open-source alternatives for screen recording.

But what’s even more frustrating is the pricing model. Every year, we’re expected to pay a few hundred dollars for an update that often brings minimal new features. This feels like a lucrative business model that prioritizes profits over customer needs.

I’m not alone in my concerns. I’ve seen many users express frustration with the app’s limitations, compatibility issues, and pricing model. I believe it’s time for us to come together and raise our voices to the developers.

Here are some questions I’d like to pose to the community:

  • Are you satisfied with ActivePresenter’s current feature set and pricing model?
  • Do you think the app needs to integrate more AI-powered features to stay relevant?
  • How do you think the pricing model could be improved to be more customer-friendly?

Let’s start a discussion and hope that the developers will take our feedback into consideration.

ActivePresenter #PricingModel #AIpoweredFeatures #ContentCreation #ScreenRecording

I don’t think that their forum is the place to start this type of discussion. You could start a social media group, if so compelled.

But as far as your questions…
1&3- Actually their pricing is very reasonable. I use quite a few of these types of programs, and I do think you get your bang for the buck, including support. I also subscribe to Adobe Captivate. They no longer have perpetual licensing, but now it is under a subscribtion model of $33.99 a month, and it does a whole lot less than AP. Actually, I use other programs that can do much more than the new Captivate. So, yes, I am satisfied with their pricing, and hope they can be sustained on perpetual licensing, even if it means updates. I think there is a bit more features that I would like, but why would I ask the developers to provide them and not consider paying for their time and effort?
2- I don’t use AI for anything but “suggestions,” and very few of those. Graphics are very distinguishable as AI. It can’t handle certain math puzzles (yes, it even told me that I needed to get human help because it couldn’t solve it, and it was indeed solveable). A lot of the information that I’ve asked for had been inadequate, missing data, or just in error. Until AI improves, and just stops roaming the erroneous internet for info, I’m not going to jump in that bandwagon, even though it’s available on other applications that I use. I’m sure it’s good for niches and professions, just not impressed with the common use of it.

But as I stated, I don’t think their forum is a place to be discussing this. Find a developer forum out there, or even start your own. You could probably send the conversations to AP if you want them to hear you.


@Cicada Let’s discuss some of the points raised here. I have some comments and questions.

  1. You mention being “…disappointed with ActivePresenter’s limitations, particularly its high price and limited compatibility.”

I would first ask what you consider to be a fair price? At a price point of $399 – one time - for the Pro version – I find this to be extremely affordable compared to other competitors in the industry. As Roxie stated, Captivate is $33.99 per month or $35.86 after tax. This amounts to $430.32 after one year. The difference is that you have to keep paying this amount. ($860.64/2 yrs and $1,721.28/4 yrs) By contrast, you could spend only $399 for 4 years. Even with one major upgrade in that time, you would only spend $559.

Articulate 360 is going for like $1,099 per year and Lectora for like $117 a month or $1,404 per year.

You claim that this “…is even more lucrative than subscription services…” I would ask that you support this claim based on the pricing information above from three of the main players in the eLearning development arena.

In another post you stated that you are still on your “…overpriced ActivePresenter V8.0…” so clearly, you are not expected to pay anything else. That said – a major upgrade after your first year is only at 40% which would have been only $160 (not “hundreds”) for the pro version. Could you please elaborate on what you mean by exorbitant fees? Perhaps provide some pricing scenarios?

You state, “…they need to rethink their pricing model to be more customer-friendly and transparent.” Pricing is clearly presented on the website. No gimmicks. Can you please give a little more clarity to how they can be more customer-friendly and transparent?

Yes, there are lots of free options out there but in many corporate and professional environments, the free options are not an option at all. They either restrict publishing for commercial use or have watermarks or other branding restrictions that make them non-players in the field.

  1. Could you provide more substance to the claim of “limited compatibility”? In what ways are you limited? What compatibilities are you missing?

  2. I realize you are new to the forums but I believe you will find that the support here is fantastic and there are no fees to use it. The support here does not require you to be at the latest version, either.

  3. AI is a matter of opinion. It does seem all the rage right now and I can appreciate some of the usefulness it may provide in certain scenarios but I do not see it as a necessary component in a development application. What is keeping you from using AI generated content in your ActivePresenter projects now?

  4. To respond directly to your questions –

Are you satisfied with ActivePresenter’s current feature set and pricing model? 100% YES
Do you think the app needs to integrate more AI-powered features to stay relevant? NO
How do you think the pricing model could be improved to be more customer-friendly? I think the model is fine the way it is. It does not force me to continue paying for something. While monthly fees can make things easier to purchase versus a lump sum, I am not really a fan of subscription models. I find this is much more affordable in the long run.


It had been a long time since I had been here, and reading what ‘Cicada 33’ reported in this post, I was shocked!
I would like to thank Roxie and Greg for eloquently expressing my own thoughts.
I cannot add more because their comments are exhaustive.
I can only thank God that the “Active Presenter” programme exists and is an invaluable companion for me. :heart:
I still thank the developers, the wonderful support, and those who offer their help free of charge.
Many thanks to all of you! :pray:


Thank you @Roxie, @Gregs, and @Betty for your comments.

  • This person registered an account on the community on June 4, made 4 posts on the same date and disappeared since then.
  • The posts contain links to not so relevant websites. I don’t even know what kind of vulnerability he’s talking about.
  • We are not sure if this is really a paid user of ActivePresenter or not. Based on the communication between his email address and our support, we can only tell that he has been using ActivePresenter free edition from 2018. But trying to post negative comments about ActivePresenter recently, both on Youtube and this community.

So, I 'm not sure if we should spend our time on his comments unless he can support his comments with facts and figures.

Best Regards,


@dangle - This was apparent to me upon their failure to return and engage in the discussion that they asked for.